Vivien Davimes . Printmaker

Chine-Collé/Drypoint/Mono Prints

What is Chine-Collé
What is a Monoprint
In the Chine-collé printmaking method, an inked plate, often a drypoint is printed onto thin paper, often Japanese rice paper and results in a collage type print. Traditional rice glue is used to adhere the thin collaged papers to the thicker print paper, making a sandwich which is then run through the press under pressure.
Prints produced in this manner are usually one-off prints or Monoprints, but can also be varied editions using the same substrate (plate) with different collaged effects.
Chine-collé roughly translates from French chine = China, and collé, meaning glued/pasted. Chine is used because the thin paper traditionally used in the process was imported to Europe from China, Japan or India.
A Monoprint is usually a variation on a series, as there is a pattern or image on the painting surface that can be printed multiple times over, in a variety of ways.
The intent is to make unique prints, that may explore an image serially. Whereas other methods of printmaking create editioned multiples, the monoprint is editioned as 1 of 1.
What is a Drypoint
Drypoint is a method where an image is drawn into a plate or matrix using a sharp etching needle - akin to drawing with a pencil. The scratching of the plate causes a rough edge called a burr, which in turn holds the ink.
This is a very old method of printmaking, traditionally using copper, but today any metal or plastic based plate can be used - zinc, steel, aluminium, perspex or acrylic.