Vivien Davimes . Printmaker

This page features some of my gift products, all of which have been designed by myself, inspired by and printed/made locally in
New Zealand; this is just a selection of that available via my FELT shop.
Cards, coasters, tea towels and calendars are now available for purchase via a link at
Please contact me directly for original art pieces, thank you.
Every year I release a calendar, featuring my favourite prints from the previous keeps me on my toes making sure I have enough images that I am happy with...
These are available in postage sizes A4 & A3, and feature 12 on my favourite print artworks.
Printed locally with eco friendly inks on 210gsm coated card.

Tea Towels
My 11 tea towels feature my New Zealand native bird series - Gannets, Tui, Wrybills, Hawks, Kereru, Kea, Shearwaters, Waxeyes and Hoiho penguins.. I also have 2 favourite local beaches - Boats & Birds at Waiake and Little Shoal Bay with Auckland city.
Taken from my original linocuts & silk screen prints, they are made from 100% cotton, and all are printed locally.
I now have a selection of 17
cards, taken from my original prints, and featuring a combination of my bird prints, and New Zealand beaches.
All designed by myself and printed locally, using eco inks on 300gsm coated card stock.
They come with a NZ Croxley envelope and cellophane sleeve.

I have two different sets of coasters in my New Zealand Native Bird series:-
The first are 6 different birds in the set Gannets, Kereru, Hawks, Kea, Shearwaters and Wrybills.
The second is a set of 6 Tuis in the Pohutakawa - these are the same image.
Handmade locally, these have a green baize/felt backing and have a wrapper with details.